A Happy New Year!!
The year 2007 was finally started!
How was you new year's eve and yesterday?
I cleaned all floor and waxed it in my house on the last day of the new year's eve. And I also cleaned the bathroom and wash stand. And then, I watched partway annual NHK sponsored year-end men versus women singing contest (so I don't know which won. Do you know that?).
On the moment changing the day from 2006 to 2007, I drank white wine which I bought in last summer and is the first wine I liked white one. I think it was elegant day
wash stand 洗面所
partway 途中まで
I haven't decided my English study plan for this year.
I've enjoyed playing Wii with my son for a couple of days since we bought it.
>kiyo san
Enjoying with children is also impotant job of fathers! You are great father.!! Take it easy :)
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