
The mean of black

I went to my English conversation school today.
At the start of the lesson, we discussed about the mean of color.

For example, the color of wedding dress is white. That is same asmany countries. And black is not good color forhappy thing like wedding so that we don't like only black clothes at this kind of situation. Why?

I thought and said this is because black is the color of night. In the old times which there weren't bright lights, they were afraid of night because of its mystery. They thought night implies death or evil things. So, they, living in all over the world, didn't think black is good color.

What do you think?

Anyway, it is very interesiting mystery that many countries have same culture.

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Decide my job

I decided my job.

It is reserach job. Of cource, now I study chemstry so that it is happy occasion for me.


I do want another job because it seems to be more suite for my character. So, I wonder whether job is good for my future.

There are many points to decide our future job. Money, challenge, social thing, character, companies' scale, future vision and so on. I felt it was too difficult for any person to find out what is good job or company.

At that time, the decisive factor of my choice is that comment of a certain person.

"We search for people with passion like you."

It was when I went to factory tour after I was made an offer. I debate whether to go this company or the other companies (At that time, I got three offers). The manager of human affairs said to me, "so that I am happy if you come here."

The reason he said that is that I honestly spoke him about my preferred job. He said because this lind of job which I want to be is the important ones in the company, he was happy to hear my desire. And also he said that I need one or two year- research experiment to get this job.

Before I talked with him, I was really worried about my future. To tell the truth, I got another offer for this kind of job. So, I have another choice. However, I felt the company I went to factory tour was much more attractive than the other companies. So, after talking, I felt certain that this company was suit for me!!

Furthermore, after going home and sending a thank you message about the interview for him, he replied soon. And he wrote "I won't forget what you say. If you want to become this job after 1 or 2-year reseach experiment, please come forward . I won't forget your word and I will help your dream coming true."

His word gave me courage and I moved.

I know it is the all parts of the company. There is a possibility that after entering this company, most kind people during the interview change their attitude. But, I believe his words are real and I can get the opportunity to challenge the job which I want to be. That's fantastic!

So, I decided this company.

Job hunting gives me a lot of things. Mostly, it is important to have a courage and act everything as we can. As for me, it was change my life that I had a courage and ask him about my desire.

challenge やりがい
social thing 人付き合い
decisive factor 決め手
with passion 情熱を持った
be made an offer 内定をもらう
come forward 立候補する